We provide tax, accounting, bookkeeping, and financial services. We offer computerized general ledger, payroll services (including check preparation or after-the-fact payroll), preparation of payroll tax reports and filings, preparation of sales tax and personal property tax filings, estimates and consultations. The initial consultation is always free, and our rates are reasonable, so call us today.
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Quick Tips
Significantly Reduce Your Taxes
You can significantly reduce your overall income taxes by leaving income in your corporation that will only be taxed at approximately 20%, and avoid the highest personal income tax rates of 40% to 50%.
Build A Big Corporate Retirement Fund
Using the low corporate income tax rate of approximately 20%, you can retain income in your company, and use your company as a strategy to accumulate a significant retirement investment portfolio for yourself.
Get A Tax Free Loan
You may be eligible to borrow money from your company to buy a home or automobile without having to immediately declare the loan as personal income.
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